Because they are often lighter, wooden tall buildings are susceptible to uplift. Stairs or elevator shafts can also be used to transfer loads.

For tall wood buildings, the structural elements are particularly susceptible to shrinkage, and you can address this by utilizing construction where wood grain is parallel to the load path. Load paths can cause elements to experience compression, tension, bending, torsion, or shear. You should consider connections in the building to address ductility. When building tall, the structural system must be taken into account, including ductility, load paths, and transfer and uplift forces. The surge in mass timber and prefabricated wood construction, and recent changes in building codes to allow for taller wood buildings, is expected to not only save builders money, but also contribute to new economic growth and jobs, a trend that is only expected to continue as more projects come on board. In this context, heavy timber is either sawn lumber or structural glue-laminated timber and is associated with Type IV construction. Included in these changes is the introduction of three new construction types-IV-A, IV-B and IV-C.
This year, the International Code Council (ICC) announced approval of 14 code changes as part of the 2021 International Building Code (IBC) that will allow mass timber structures of up to 18 stories. These tall wood projects can be either heavy timber or mass timber. Buildings constructed from timber are permitted through “the use of localized non-timber connections between timber elements” and in some cases a “floor system of concrete planks or concrete slab on top of timber beams” since timber still acts as the primary structure. The CTBUH defines the materials from which tall buildings are comprised. The Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) provides definitions for what constitutes “tall” around the globe.
Here’s your primer on how to take your timber construction and design to the next level. Architects are now shifting from why to how, looking to understand technical topics such as code requirements, load paths and structural systems, product choices, fire protection, and building performance. From environmental benefits and speed of construction to building performance and market cachet, the advantages have led to tall timber towers rising across the country and around the world. The reasons to build taller with wood are increasingly accepted by the global architectural community. Save this picture! Brock Commons Tallwood House.