Confetti Drop: Green confetti was released when a special "Million-Dollar Moment" happened.After it was taken, the offer changed to a flat $150K for all players.
#Tv tropes greed corp plus
Each player was offered a car plus $75K cash as a buyout on that question ( which they took and was added to their share of the $200K safety net, and as it turned out, they would have been wrong due to the captain giving an incorrect answer and changing from correct answer to correct answer). That's about the same as a single share of the $500K prize. Anyone who opted out would win a 2000 Jaguar XK8 convertible estimated as being worth $75K, with another $25K in the trunk. Averted for the seventh question (worth $1 million), where the decision to take the bribe was made by each individual member of the team.Given that they usually could have had a half of the current prize money (five times as much as the bribe) if they had opted out of the question entirely, it's not an offer most captains like to take. They don't look the part, but upon getting 3 out of 4 answers right in the later questions, captains are offered a tenth of the prize money if they quit at that moment.The only option to bail out in the middle of a question was with the Comically Small Bribe below. Checkpoint Starvation: In regular episodes, there were no checkpoints at all to fall back on a wrong answer meant going home with nothing, except for the small amount of money anyone might have made through Terminator challenges."Sweeten the pot" in reference to the incentive that comes with being chosen by the Terminator."The Terminator's on the prowl." / "The Terminator has chosen you.".The Announcer: Burton Richardson for the first episode, then Mark Thompson.

#Tv tropes greed corp series