2021 In recent decades, as the stock market has soared, the vast fortunes amassed by some members of the plutocracy have largely escaped taxation. Victor Davis Hanson, Arkansas Online, 13 Sep. 2021 Within 40 years, California had created a new plutocracy of Eloi, whose wealth exempted them from all worries about the mundane problems of the distant and despised Morlock others. 2021 Alas, Biden, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer seem to be at home in the backroom, even as the Democrats squander the opportunity to break the plutocracy - government of, by, and for the super-rich. 2022 The battle against plutocracy isn’t going to be won in a single piece of legislation, certainly not one against which Manchin and Sinema hold an effective veto. Amanda Chicago Lewis, The New Republic, 4 Apr. Katherine Stewart, The New Republic, 11 July 2022 Social equity pits people with very little wealth and clout against the plutocracy that runs the world, with billions of dollars at stake. 2022 One school of progressive thought says that America has devolved (once again, perhaps) into a plutocracy. 2022 One suspects that his problem with plutocracy isn’t its existence, but that membership in it didn’t save him when a fall guy was needed. Recent Examples on the Web Many billionaires have additionally rigged economic policies in their favor by lobbying and in some cases, assuming government positions, known as a plutocracy, Rebekka Ayres argues in an op-ed for Teen Vogue.